Something New
Ok, let's try to wrap our noggins around a challenge and flex our pens and fly our creative banners in the breeze of color!
Here is a new challenge for all of us to try. And the subject is.......
Pick your favorite color or maybe a combination of colors and construct a poem or short prose inco...
Lady Poe
Movie Challenge
If a movie was so inspiring that it made you write a poem about it, to it, as a dedication or continuance of that movie, post here! I have a few oldies I don't know if I should post cause they are old and not fresh but I might cop out a few others in the future. Cheers
Weekly Feel
I've decided to play around and try to get things moving. Every Sunday will be the start of a new "mood" or emotion, feeling. The object here is to be as creative or poetic as possible and describe, relate or bring to life the chosen mood. I am using liberal license here and will be chosing word...
Lady Poe
Ummmmmmmm - A short poem just for this Thread!
My sentences are spaghetti
My rhyming's up the creek
My inspiration's uninspired
I've been like this all week!
Dreamstress x
I wrote this a while ago but I thought it would fit!!
The Dreamstress
Music Challenge
I am a lover of music. It's essential to my everyday movement. Often I will just sit here and listen to my favorite artist or songs and let the emotions and beat of the music lead me on a journey. I've constructed many poems from specific songs.
So here it is.......
Pick a song and craft your own versio...
Lady Poe
Object Challenge
Ok......the object of this Object Challenge is to write a short poem about an everyday...object! I'll choose the first one and then the one who posts first can choose the next one. The first object is....................Egg Timer Dreamstress x -- Edited by The Dreamstress at 12:21, 2007-09-17
The Dreamstress
You are crossing the street and a guy/gal catches your eye. Something happens in that instant...
Poem, prose or flash fiction.
Lady Poe
For this Challenge, use the word Delicate in any type of poem. Create something visually different, intellectually enlivening, bizarre, or so sweet you make us all say "awwwwwwww".
Delicate: adj. very fine in texture or structure,of intricate workmanship or quality.
Lady Poe