Ahaha! spaghetti! I know exactly how you feel but I wrote a longer poem about it you probably wouldn't like to read great quatrain! this should be in the Quatrain section I hope you get out of this phase soon, though this kind of writings amuse me the best! keep it up
Thank you Alexe....I'll add it to the Quatrain section....thank you for reminding me. I'm still very much a beginner when it comes to all the different styles of poetry. I'm putting my trust in all of you to put me right.
I'm best at the lighter style of poetry, all my dark poems come when my brain is switched off and I just let them happen..which doesn't happen very often. When it does though, you'll know about it!!
Thank you again...
Dreamstress x
"Sweet is the dream, divinely sweet, when absent souls in fancy meet."
Edgar Allan Poe
You certainly did!!! I posted it here because I wrote it when I was having a period of writer's block and I thought it kind of fitted!. Alexe found me posting it and told me it was a Quatrain. I couldn't take it out of here so I left it!!
Dreamstress X
"Sweet is the dream, divinely sweet, when absent souls in fancy meet."
Edgar Allan Poe