Your Freedom
One day I will free you
Time just made up my patience
I will call you my free soul
One who has the green blood flowing
I swallowed your life whole
You saw my freedom in a glance of fear
I have released my demons
One by one they shall pick you apart
They saw your evil
Stand proud
It is your eyes that can...
Johnny Boy
All Is Not Well
Good Morning, wrote this a couple of months
ago, at a time of upheaval...
All Is Not Well.
Intransigent, obstinate doctrine, reeks of despair,
Scriptures in blood, upon rancid flesh.
Cryptic writings, damnation infested with Satans Wrath,
Sacrificial rape, bound to Altar of Filth.
Flowing Rivers
Flow river flow
Show me your ocean
Come tides to wash my evil ways downstream
Wet stream thoughts of my mind
Soak to my ground
I only burden my troubles
Always see yours in a puddle
Created by your own guilt and doubt
Came with open arms and left with closed minds
The dam saw your fate go away
Johnny Boy
A great and terrible sorrow has me clutched in its carnivorous jaws,
I can feel its saliva drip down my spine, wetting my mind as if I were
Swimming in a pool of voracious appetite
All the while, I cant lift a thing to my lips. The pain is still too great
So aching with need and memory, I starve myself to...
Lady Poe
Now Look Who's Crying
Cut throat, darling and all of this sh!t travels right down to the bottomless pit - That use to be what loved you. Caught a glimpse of the evil inside You played the game virtue and pride - And stumbled a little on the trip. Bastard and vagrant run little boy, run I'll catch you soon enough when the moon outr...
Lady Poe
Beyond The Mirror
I looked beyond the mirror
Saw all the heavens waiting for me
Why did I take the devil's spear and use it?
Forgive me... I have shown you how I can see your evil
I will never bring you sorrow again
Just have faith in me
I need to show you my light
The book opened and found its pages in your heart
Words wr...
Johnny Boy
In the silence I read your poem
One who is following my lead
Listen to the cries to the north
I have bonded my words on paper
It is for you to listen
One who ignore shall hear the forever shame
It is in these words I have found my chance
This is what I have found
Now it is time for a change
I hear the meani...
Johnny Boy
You shot me, execution style but in the heart, not the head. Drowning in my blood - did you smile? Was it your intention to build me up and then slaughter me? Because, boy, I have to say you're pretty damn good. And I w...
Lady Poe
A Dark Night
In the blankness that is (no was) My daylight thoughts I've come to know one thing (of which is now forgotten). Silence steals the petals from the rose (and who knows what else) When it rides the winds of nigh...
Lady Poe
Fell Past Midnight
Crying in shatters Broken and battered Dear Lord, don't let her slip tonight. Crushed and drowning Falling and crawling She can't find the strength tonight. Failures and fissures Cracked, cre...
Lady Poe