A woman's erotic website (theeroticwoman.com) asked me to submit some of my poetry for publication on their ezine. They accepted this one for their August 1, 2007 online magazine, with the attached artwork.
This poem depicts the lonliness and youthful lust that are common in the military experience.
The Ether of a Soldiers Yearning
I wake to a brothers voice speaking on the phone outside. He cries as soldiers do when their lovers sleep 10,000 miles away.
His pain latches to my psyche like the memory of our last caress and stiffens my own loneliness and longing for your embrace.
Moonlight leaks from the fissured drapes and spills onto my bed like night steam on a summer lake.
Alone on my rack tropical sweat gravitates from my nakedness to the rhythm of my breathing.
I stare into my eyelids trying to trap a transient vision when I hear your voice whisper in my ear, kiss me.
I envision your smile above me. I feel your breasts upon my chest. I taste your tongue enter my mouth. And smell your femininity in the air.
My pulse launches as I imagine you on me. My fingers trace where you would touch. My hands press my thighs and lift my erection to its fullest gauge.
My palms press against my pubic hair and along my rippled belly counterfeiting the weight of your body.
Then, I grip myself- with your passion and milk my lust to slow phantom sex where volcanic surges erupt alone onto the landscape of my torso.
Panting, I hold you tightly for a moment lingering- while I watch you vanish into the ether of a soldiers yearning; Then force my tears back to sleep.
I love this one of yours. Beautiful in many ways. I'm out of time this morning.. I'll be back, I promise to litter your poetry with my ramblings! :) ~Lady Poe
"..I don't care for your fairytales... - Sara Bareilles
It's an interesting exploration of pent-up heterosexual desire in a homoerotic environment. Under such pressures, desire perhaps becomes a kind of torture. Eventually such desire may become suppressed and unhealthy.
It's an interesting exploration of pent-up heterosexual desire in a homoerotic environment. Under such pressures, desire perhaps becomes a kind of torture. Eventually such desire may become suppressed and unhealthy.
You are right. For people with homoerotic desires, the military is a place with few pressure valves.
As a fully hetero guy, I found my tortures in bouts of lonliness and separation. But solo sex and nighttime visions brought needed releif. This is very common in the military experience. Private, sometimes shameful, sometimes euphoric. Mostly sad- very sad. (That is the part I wanted to share.
This poem is about the sadness a soldier feels when seperated from love, and an emotional attepmt to re-connect with what makes him feel alive, and what gives him purpose.
Very true-to-life. Probably one of the more graphic of this type I've read, but tastefully done. There are a few phrases that feel a little brutal, but that might add to the piece, not detract from it. I find myself musing over your poetry more than critiquing it, and that intrigues me :)
"Life is too important to be taken seriously" - Oscar Wilde