In hill tops do I rest Mountains that create my inner strength Song that birds don't understand It is here where I meet my creator Beyond water droplets that fill my cup The shores of my thoughts nesting in home not far from here Monsters to the north invade my home Come south as they must Only to find me broken I shall break free from this life I called it to my warning It is here to set me free Now lies my body to be remembered or forgotten Maybe both sides just makes me who I am A stone just placed above my head Time just freezes for me Yet I do not find my home Nor do I find my life It is an endless array of lights to shine my path Ones filled with many colors Blended together to make my White Angel I shall pray for you If I don't... you shall forever be sent below Maybe my home is here A place where magical creatures fight away the blackness All forgiven and never taken away The blue in me reflects my happiness A place where the room is long forgotten about The forest never laughs anymore Maybe I am not used to such silence A place above my underworld where black creatures shall die Maybe this is my home
:) why thank you very much dream... i truely apreciate it... i dont know... kinda wonderin myself... for awhile i wasnt writing but i have been in a total mental block LOL :( oh well... its kinda comin back to me... as far as everyone goes... no clue
Johnny, I love the mixed emotions and images you have here! Very well done. :) It's nice to read your poetry again. :)
"Our mothers and fathers held us close to their hearts and they promised 'One bright and shining day my children, we will triumph in battle. One bright and shining day my children, we will give you back your wings.' " - PL: S&W