*music tends to lift me up and set me upon a ledge of thinking.. Sitting here, half hour before I have to leave for work, I'm listening to one of my all time favorite songs "Nights In White Satin" and I just have that urge......*
They can't understand how this being moves along a current not my own. Crazy. Dreamer. Disconnected from the world. True, these things they can call me, but a fact is a fact and it doesn't change a thing.
I love you.
Here, in the quiet of day, time slipping by noticed and grieved, an empty void shimmers. Reaching out my hands I touch you. I believe I can touch you, because you are more than real to me. I can be so clichéd and say you are the air, the sun, the world. Would you believe it?
Would you understand?
True love, that affection that stems from the soul, is often too intense for a scribbler like me to justify. I could paint you the universe with words, but I doubt they'd come close to being just the exact words you'd need to hear to fully comprehend.
Yes, I love you.
They might not understand, and I can forgive them their ignorances. I, too, often catch myself in the mirror, a furrowed brow dipping slightly - a sign of questioning. I question not you, nor myself. I question Life. Fate. Chance. Possibility. I curse Space. Time. Life. Fate. Chance. Possibility.
Is that a whisper I hear? The lightest of caresses across my cheek? Did I just feel your lips brush mine, words so soft I more felt than heard? A shadow ran by, evasive and shy... Insecure and wanting. Too fast for me to reach out and grab. And there it is again... That whisper.
Let them say what they will. Think what they must. It matters little to me, and I pray little to you.
Very sweet Poe. :) Your wording and thoughts made me think. :D
"Our mothers and fathers held us close to their hearts and they promised 'One bright and shining day my children, we will triumph in battle. One bright and shining day my children, we will give you back your wings.' " - PL: S&W