Cloaked in the lingering storm clouds of summer rain She softly treads above the mists of the citys gaslights - Her feet are sore from running in the eyes of hurricanes And her muscles tremble from being starved of life
The streets are abandoned and filled with echoes; Windows are boarded up with planks of wood And only the wind shouts the tale of misfortune Of a plague that has rendered bustling apartments still
Rats nest in the cracks and debris of the solemn city And live off of the rotten and the tainted water; Infested by wrecks and tragedies, she moves on Remembering - - -
How the children used to run with so much joy While old couples would tend to their gardens And the occasional street musician played for mere change (Why did she never hear the screams of the dying?)
Dying twice, without any resurrection, her hands touch The side of Apartment #22, though her senses are gone She finds even the most minute memories consolable: If she were alive she could (would) weep in remorse
Then in the fog, she sees life peering through; An elderly man sitting on the stoop - His clothes badly patched, his eyes full of waiting - Casting fortune beside him for her to return
"Our mothers and fathers held us close to their hearts and they promised 'One bright and shining day my children, we will triumph in battle. One bright and shining day my children, we will give you back your wings.' " - PL: S&W