How soundly you douse your sunny smile And your eyelids glint for starry miles By the hour you will hum the winds song And silently by your crib I will watch along
By midnight youre in your little Eden; A stony white stillness glows so peaceful then And I wonder if your dreams are bright Of yellows and blues and greens and whites -
Or perhaps there will be standing there Someone to hold you and stroke your soft hair; Though Ive never touched your skin so pure Or seen your eyes with a love so sure
Should you slowly take my finger so And declare me giver for such dreams to grow With full heart and love Ill answer you And these hushed wish-songs will be true
"Our mothers and fathers held us close to their hearts and they promised 'One bright and shining day my children, we will triumph in battle. One bright and shining day my children, we will give you back your wings.' " - PL: S&W